I am so ready for my days to slow down!!! This weekend was a rush. Friday night our family tried again to do grocery shopping together. BUT!!! Patrick knows how to get out of things and so I will now go shopping ALONE!!! Lets just say he was the crazy guy with 2 kids in the cart.
Saturday morning my grandparents came over for a visit. God love the older generation and we can learn lots from them but not at 9:30 on a Saturday morning. My kids now sleep in till at least 9 but on this morning it was a mad dash to pick up the toys so Grandpa didn't trip coming in to our zoo. We had a GREAT visit and then they went to the next stop.
I then called my pals (Robin and Trish) to see if they wanted to hang out with me and go see the new addition to the Herrington's. Baby Carter arrived Friday night and we just had to go love on him. The trip did consist of Sonic, Hospital, Kroger,and home. I then wrapped a present and gathered the family up to go to Ella Kate's 2nd Birthday party. Had loads of fun and ate some AWESOME salad. We returned home in a rain storm to find that both kids were asleep in the back. Doubt I could leave them in their clothes we changed the kids and put them to bed.
Sunday was GREAT!!! Bro. Maury had said once that going to church on Wed. is like holding up the middle of the clothes line. BUT with this Sunday my clothes line is as high as the power lines. If you ever want to join in just come on down to Saltillo for CHURCH!!!
We had a rough morning. I've never showed up to school late and today was the first. I forgot to set my alarm and Patrick woke me up at 6:15!!! YIKES!!! I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Got everyone ready and was able to leave on time. PRAISE GOD!!! BUT once we pulled into daycare I realized that Ashton didn't have a jacket on. I asked her if she would be ok with out one and knowing she didn't want to make mom upset on a already crazy morning she didn't answer. It was like I really don't want to make mom mad so I'll just freeze my butt off. I told her I wasn't mad and get in the car. So I got Kylie in daycare and then drove back home, Ashton got her jacket and then I took her to school. I pulled out of the Primary at 7:30. I have to be at school at 7:40. Lets just say that I prayed the whole way to school that the police wouldn't be sitting on the side of the road. On a "normal" day (if their can be a normal day) I can make it to school in 20 to 25 min, but I made it to school in 15 min. I ran in as the kids were coming in.
Maybe tomorrow will be that "NORMAL" day!!!